The Misadventures of Tron Bonne is a spin-off from Mega Man Legends. The family of Tron Bonne, the pirates, troubles Mega Man in Mega Man Legends. With this game the air pirates got their own adventure.
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
In Japan the game is called Tron ni Kobun (Tron to Coven or Tron and Henchmen). It is an action adventure.
The kidnapped air pirate
Teisel Bonne is the oldest member of the Bonnefamily. He is looking for treasure and meets the debt collector Glyde. That means trouble. His sister Tron Bonne loses contact with him and goes on a search. She notes that Teisel was kidnapped for training Mr. Loath to get money. Tron Bonne has to raise the money to free her brother.
On the crooked path
Teisel owes Mr. Loath a huge amount of money. So now you can rob banks, steal farms and look for treasures in the skin of Tron Bonne. You make the decision about your missions yourself. From jump 'n' run elements to strategy genre, this game offers everything. Servbots support you. They are little robots that help you with your misdeeds. In the end, your priority is not making money, but raising your servbots. Those who do not hear will be sent to the punishment room.
Graphics and sound
The environment is textured. These don't alternate too often. The sound is strongly influenced by Japanese. It's a bit monotonous in the long run.
Tron Bonne and the Servbots are entertaining, except for the fact that the Servbots are a bit annoying because they don't always hear the same. The voice output is a bit too shrill. The story could be better. The graphics leave something to be desired. It should be noted that the game was produced for the Japanese market. It's a bit monotonous in the long run.
Originally posted on 2018-03-21 21:11:00.