King Arthur combines a mixture of strategy and role play. The knights of the Taflerunde level up and learn new skills. They can also equip themselves with artifacts.
Die Spielmechanik funktioniert wie Empire: Total War. Du bekommst eine 3D-Karte von England angezegit. Diese ist in Provinzen unterteilt. Mit deiner Armee ziehst du über die Map, eroberst Ortschaften und besetzt strategische Punkte. Das können Bewerke oder Steinkreise sein. Eroberst du die Schlüsselpositionen der Provinz, so verleibst du sie dir ein. Bei einer feindlichen Armee kannst du in einen Echtzeitkampf ziehen oder das Ganze auswürfeln lassen.
King Arthur presents himself with many quests that consist of main and side quests. You free a kidnapped nephew and have several options to solve the quests. The game handles the quests in text windows. There are rewards and combat advantages. That affects the mind. Supporting hungry farmers increases your sense of justice.
The religions will become problematic in the quests. If you complete a quest positively for one religion, you lose reputation with the other religion. You can then work the appropriate magic. Certain mystical objects are only of use to you with a certain religion.
With inferior forces, you can win against superior powers. One point is morality. If you reach special points on the map particularly quickly, the troop morale increases. The four seasons influence the course of the game. In winter the troops are immobile, but they get experience points that they have earned over the year. Table knights and troops level up. In spring there are new quests and new characters. In summer the army has a longer range. In the fall you collect taxes and reap. This challenges your tactical thinking.
Stratagen have fun with King Arthur. The strategy game with role-playing elements is a great success for Neocore Games. Although the quests are carried out on paper, so to speak, the game is still motivating in the long term and the battles run like Total War, but in any case the game gets a game recommendation.
Originally posted on 2020-11-06 08:33:00.