Tagin' Dragon or Colorful Dragon is an arcade-style action game.
In the maze in Colorful Dragon
However, Tagin' Dragon is not intuitive and its graphics leave a lot to be desired. Stage one consists of a mix of light green, dark yellowish-green, indigo, purple, and orange-brown enemies. The canines wander through a maze of blocks and obstacles. In response, you must defend yourself against it by performing a random task. You press the A Button and your dragon will open its mouth.
The Wandering Dragon
You wander around trying not to get killed. If you get close enough to your opponent's rear, you can bite off a piece of the creature's tail. However, this assumes that your mouth is positioned in exactly the right place. Your opponents can do the same. The game features a combination of horrible AI and stiff steering response, making cornering or changing direction problematic. The former of the two also basically means that the game's difficulty rating is random. Sometimes you can easily eliminate your opponents and even complete a level in less than a minute. All you have to do is wait around a corner and let one pass you. However, this strategy can also backfire. At random, the game may choose to turn around and run through your sprite and devour your tail.
Ignored by opponents
Your opponents go about their business, running erratically until they bleed to death from a tail wound. With all the romping around with sophisticated game controls, tricky collision detection in terms of bite, no such detection when it comes to bumping into enemy sprites, and the aforementioned lack of computer opponent aggro, Tagin' Dragon doesn't feel like an arcade game game on You stumble, you stagger, you travel at a sluggish, moderate pace, and you spend most of your time haphazardly encountering your opponents while pressing the attack button.
Nothing about this title pays homage to the arcades of yesteryear. The stiff control response reduces the game's quickness, the lack of intuitive mechanics detracts from the much-needed simplicity, and the boring gameplay deters any addictiveness. Colorful Dragon is not worth it. With so many flaws and questionable design choices, one has to wonder if Bunch Games didn't try to pass off its beta as a finished product.