The fighter plane takes you into enemy territory during World War II. The arcade classic 2 by Capcom released on the Game Boy Color.
It is a vertical-scrolling shooter set during the World War II era. You take control of the Lockheed P-2 fighter plane. Your mission is to cause as much destruction as possible in enemy territory. The game 38 offers 32 levels. Not much has changed in terms of graphics and sound. They are comparable to that NES-Version.

The game's gameplay is simple. The plane is easy to control. You shoot everything that moves. You should avoid being hit by the enemy. Enemies you defeat drop power-ups for you to pick up.
Nevertheless, the game is a challenge. There are three levels of difficulty. Each level of difficulty increases the speed of the opponent's shots, as well as the opponent's intelligence. In addition, there is a memory function or a password system with which you can start again in later levels. For fans of the original game, there is a bonus level to unlock.

1942 is very much the NES version. Graphics and sound are not particularly better. The gameplay works well and is simple. The game is recommended for fans of the series, but there is not much that is new.
1942 First Strike - The mobile phone variant
Capcom released the game for mobile phones in 1942. The graphics have been retained in 2D and have barely been changed. There is a short, 5-second film, but it doesn't stand out particularly graphically. The controls on the touchscreen are pretty easy to use.

In terms of graphics, however, it leaves a lot to be desired and is more for retro fans. The sound of hits and explosions no better. For fans of the series, the game may be okay, but it's not outstanding.
1942 - Joint Strike
is a new version of the old game. Here Capcom only as a publisher. The outcome of the Second World War depends on 2 fighter planes. The classic arcade game has been reinterpreted in this case. It is like 1942 with elements from other games. You want one of 3 planes and can go on a joint attack with a partner. The game is hardly different in single player and multiplayer mode.

This version is based on a Widesscree display that scrolls vertically with. The larger screen, however, allows more enemies to attack. In later levels the screen is partially flooded with bullets, so you have to squeeze to the edge of the screen to avoid getting hit. The old game has been improved a bit. The 3D graphics look very good and show a depth that was not possible in the old 2-D version. You fly over oceans, volcanoes, forests, besieged cities, a shipyard and other areas. Your aircraft can be zoomed in or out when viewed from the camera. Airplanes and enemies are designed very realistically. If your plane is damaged, smoke will rise, enemies will break apart when they are defeated go up in flames. The graphics are colorful and the sound supports the atmosphere very well. In particular, you will quickly learn to appreciate cluster weapons with the widescreen screen.
The new edition of the game is well made. It is definitely recommended for fans of the series. The updated graphics are fun and Capcom has brought a good new edition of the old 1942 onto the market.
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Originally posted on 2018-05-09 09:02:00.